A/L Information & Communication Technology Paper Classes

Mr. Prasad Wijesinghe
Master of Information Technology
Experience : 21 years
Occupation : Full Time Tutor

I have 21 years of teaching experience in this subject. I hold a master's degree in Information Technology from Colombo University, and I am a member of the British Computer Society. Currently working as a full-time tutor, after serving as a lecturer at a reputable institute. I deliver comprehensive lessons and engage in discussions on past and specimen papers. Additionally, I offer the convenience of home-visiting classes

Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Ordinary Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) Advanced Level (Local) Advanced Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class 
Venue or Location
Maharagama Kottawa Pannipitiya Akuregoda Battaramulla Ethul Kotte Nugegoda 

Reference No : 007180
Last Modified : 2024-07-15 09:40:02 AM
Viewers : 352
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