Government Gazette 2018-04-27

^1& fþoh - idudkH m%ldYk" m;alsÍï" rcfha ksfõok" ñ, md,k oekaùï" uy nexl=fõ oekaùï iy .sKqï m%ldYk" wdodhï yd úhoï jd¾;d" fomd¾;fïka;= oekaùï" keúhkag oekaùï" iqrdnÿ wd{dmk; ms,sn| oekaùï .eiÜ m;%h n,kak 2018-04-27
^2w& fþoh - m,lsÍï ;k;=re - wenE¾;=" úNd." úNd. m%;sM, .eiÜ m;%h n,kak 2018-04-27
4 ^wd& - m,d;a md,kh ;k;=re wenE¾;=" úNd." úNd. m%;sM," m,d;a md,k ksfõok" w;=re jHjia:d" m,d;a md,k iNd Pkao wd{dmk; hgf;a oekaùï" wdodhï yd úhoï m%ldYk" whjeh f,aLk" foam< úlsÅ’u" úúO oekaùï .eiÜ m;%h n,kak 2018-04-27
Section (IIA) - Advertising Posts - Vacant, Examinations, Results of Examinations View Gazette 2018-04-27
IV (B) - Local Government Posts - Vacant, Examinations, Results of Examinations, Notices - calling for Tenders, Local Government Notifications, By-Laws, Notices under the Local Authorities Elections Ordinance, Revenue & Expenditure Returns, Budgets, Miscellaneous Notices View Gazette 2018-04-27
njhFjp (IIm) - tpsk;guq;fs; gjtpfs; - ntw;wplk;> guPl;irfSk;> guPl;irg; ngWNgWfSk; gpwTk; frl;il ghu;itapl 2018-04-27

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Extracted from the official web site ( of the Department of Government Printing
Wmqgd.ekSu rcfha uqøK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ( ks, fjí wvúfhks'