What is Mytutor.lk Verification?
Mytutor.lk verification is the process of verifying our registered tutors’ experiences, qualifications, and identity to the students and parents.
As the first step we would examine all the verification requests we gain and review whether those tuition advertisements or tutors are eligible to verify or not.
If someone is a verified tutor, a blue color badge would show next to the tutor’s name. This would express that mytutor.lk has verified and confirmed the tutor’s qualifications, experiences, and identity for the users.
Why Mytutor.lk Verification?
As a reliable business entity in the educational and professional sector, we highly believe that it is our responsibility to provide accurate information to our users. Accordingly with this verification, we are recommending verified tutors to the students and parents who are looking for tutors through Mytutor.lk
Verified tutor advertisements on mytutor.lk would send a message to the students and parents that they could trust those tutors in parallel to our terms and conditions.
How can be a verified tutor?

To be a verified tutor, a tutor has to follow the below steps. After completing the process they can be verified for lifetime.
- Applying for Mytutor.lk verification.
Fill in the application form and send us a photograph of the National Identity Card and a photograph of the bill bearing your name to certify the address. - Online interview
Get a time slot for the online interview. - Verification confirmation
Paying subscription fee and finalizing the process.
Subscription for Lifetime = 2000LKR - Activation of the verification
By being a
Verified Tutor,
- Special recognition and highlighting the advertisement on tutor list.
- High potential to attract students through trustworthiness.
- Entitle to get special offers from Mytutor.lk
- Recommending for student’s class inquiries which get through Mytutor.lk
- Technical support at any given time.
- Providing advertising advice to promote your classes.
- • All information provided by teachers is subject to this certification process on Mytutor.lk and they certify in writing that the teacher assumes full responsibility for the information provided by them.
- • If teachers provide false or misleading information during the verification process, or if the information provided is found to be false or misleading, action will be taken to remove the verified logo, delete the relevant account, or finally take legal actions.
For any further clarifications please contact us 0777 77 4785
Mytutor.lk Verification hkq l=ulao@
Mytutor.lk Verification hkq wmf.a ,shdmÈxÑ .=rejr .=rejßhkaf.a wkkH;dj" iqÿiqlï iy w;aoelSï isiqka iy fouõmshka fj; iy;sl lsÍfï l%shdj,shhs'
m,uqj wm fj; ,efnk ish¨u i;Hdmk b,a,Sï (Verification Requests) wm úiska mÍlaId lsÍu isÿ lrk w;r áhqIka mx;s oekaùu iy tu .=rejrhd$.=rejßh i;Hdmkh lsÍu i|yd iqÿiq uÜgul isào hk lreKq i,ld ne,Su isÿ lrkq ,nhs'
wm úiska i;Hdmkh (Verify) l< .=rejrfhla$ .=rejßhla kï Tyqf.a$wehf.a ku bÈßfhka hkqfjka ks,a meye;s ,dxPkhla igyka jkq we;' thska Tnf.a wkkH;dj" iqÿiqlï iy w;aoelSï Mytutor.lk fj;ska ;yjqre l< njg Tfí oekaùu mßYS,kh lrkakka yg oekqï fokq we;'
Mytutor.lk Verification l=ula i|ydo@
wOHdmk iy jD;a;Sh f;dr;=re m%pdrK fjí wvúhla jYfhka wmf.a mßYS,lhka yg ,nd fok f;dr;=re ms,sn| j.lSula wm i;= úh hq;= nj wm iEu úgu úYajdi lruq' ta wkqj wm úiska i;Hdmkh lrk .=rejr .=rejßhka" isiqka iy fouõmshkag ks¾foaY lsÍug wm lghq;= lrkafkuq'
Mytutor.lk ys Tfí oekaùu i;Hdmkh lsÍu ;=,ska isiqka iy fouõmshka yg .=rejrhd$.=rejßh ms,sn| jvd;a úYajdikSh;ajhla f.dv kef.kq we;'
i;Hdms; .=rejrfhl=$.=rejßhla (Verified Tutor) njg m;ajkafka flfiao@

i;Hdms; .=rejrfhl=$jßhl ùug wjYH kï Tyq$weh my; mshjr wkq.ukh l, hq;=h' tu mshjrhka iïmQ¾K l< miq i;Hdms; .=rejrfhl=$.=rejßhla njg m;aúh yel'
- i;Hdmkh i|yd b,a¨ï lsÍu'
whÿïm;%h msrùu yd cd;sl ye÷kqïmf;a PdhdrEmhla iy ,smskh iy;sl lsÍug Tfí ku i|yka ì,am;l PdhdrEmhla wm fj; fhduq lsÍu' - ud¾..; iïuqLmÍlaIKh
ud¾..; iïuqL mÍlaIKh i|yd fj,djla fjka lr .ekSu iy th meje;aùu' - i;Hdmkh iaÓrlsÍu
i;Hdmkh iaÓr lsÍu yd wod, .%dyluqo, (Subscription Fee) f.ùu'
.%dyluqo, } re'2000$- ls' - i;Hdmkh l%shdul lsÍu'
i;Hdms; .=rejrfhl=g ,efnk jdis
- wu;r mx;s oekaùï ,ehsia;=fõ i;Hdms; oekaùï i|yd m%uqL;djla ,eîu'
- jvd úYajdikSh;ajhla ,eîu ;=,ska jeä mßYS,l wdl¾YKhla ,eîu'
- Mytutor.lk ,nd fok úfYaI §ukd i|yd m%uqLia:dkhla ,eîu'
- wmfj; ,efnk wu;r mx;s b,a,Sï Tng ,nd .ekSu i|yd iqÿiqlï ,eîu'
- wjYH ´kEu wjia;djl ;dlaI‚l iydh ,nd §u'
- Tnf.a Wmldrl mx;s m%pdrKh yd m%j¾Okh i|yd Wmfoia ,nd §u'
- • .=rejreka úiska imhk ish¨ f;dr;=re Mytutor.lk ys fuu iy;sl lsÍfï l%shdj,sh ioyd Ndckh jk w;r Tjqka úiska imhk ,o f;dr;=re j, iïmQ¾K j.lSu .=rejrhd úiska Ndr .kakd nj Tjqka ,sÅ;j iy;sl lr we;'
- • i;Hdmk l%shdj,sfha§ .=rejreka jHdc fyda fkduÕ hjk f;dr;=re ,nd fokafka kï" fyda ,nd ÿka f;dr;=re jHdc" fkdu. hjk iq¨ f;dr;=re nj wkdjrKh jk wjia:djl i;Hdms; ,dxPkh bj;a lsÍu;a" wod, .sKqu uld oeóu yd wjidkfha kS;s uÕska l%shd lsÍug;a lghq;= lrkq we;'