OL Maths (Local/London) - Home Visited

Mr. S Wickramasinghe
Experience : 3 years
Occupation : Engineering

Is your child weak in Maths? Does he/ she not understand what's taught in school? Is he/she getting low marks? and feeling demotivated? My teaching is specially for the weak children. Modern and interactive teaching techniques will be used to grow interest in the child to learn maths.

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium English Medium 


Grade 6 to 9 (Local) Grade 6 to 9 (International) Ordinary Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class 
Venue or Location
Battaramulla Ethul Kotte Colombo 5 Colombo 6 Nugegoda Colombo 7 

Reference No : 002822
Last Modified : 2019-01-10 02:56:28 PM
Viewers : 897
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