English Grammar and Elocution classes

Ms. Nilanka Wickramatunga
Undergraduate University of Kalaniya, Diploma in TESOL (Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages) , Diploma In primary teaching English Medium
Experience : 8 years
Occupation : University/ College Teacher

English Grammar and Elocution classes English and Elocution classes for children age 4+ to grade 5 Classes are conducted by a young lady teacher 8 years teaching experience as a primary teacher in a well-known private school in Nugegoda. Classes are situated in a secure residential area near ITN. Weekends only Individual – LKR 1500 per hour (With printable resources) Contact 0716801953 Ms. Wickramatunga Undergraduate University of Kalaniya, Diploma in TESOL (Teaching English for Speakers of Other Languages) , Diploma In primary teaching English Medium

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Grade 1 to 5 (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class 
Venue or Location

Reference No : 001920
Last Modified : 2018-02-26 07:02:25 PM
Viewers : 2221
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