HOME VISIT TUITION (Group & Individual)

B.B (Mgt) (Acc) Sp, CBA, MAAT, Dip In Eng
Experience : More than 8
Occupation : University/ College Teacher
A Well Experienced and qualified lecturer who works in an International college Conducts Home visit tuition for Accounting , Economics , Business Studies , Costing & commerce (Business & Accounting Studies) for O/L ,A/L (Local/London) ,AAT ,CIMA, CMA, ABE, CA..& External Degrees (B.Sc,B.B(Mgt),B.Ad etc...) More than 8 years experience.. Past papers, Model Papers and Covering Syllabus withing short time span. Result Guaranteed. Trustworthy is the Excellence... BY- SALINDA SAMPATH B.B (Mgt)(Acc) Sp, CBA,MAAT,DIP in Eng
Sinhala Medium English Medium
Ordinary Level (Local) Ordinary Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) Advanced Level (Local)
Business Exams Miscellaneous Professional