Maths tuition for Primary Students

Mr. Lasith Jayawardane
CCNA completed , A/L completed in Combined maths stream.
Experience : Nearly 1 ye
Occupation : Primary School Teacher

Home visiting tutoring, UK and Sinhala carriculam, Week days morning and week end classes can be arrenge, Please send an email if i did not answer your calls because of my working shedule. 1 session - 2 hours

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium English Medium 


Grade 1 to 5 (Local) Grade 1 to 5 (International) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class 
Venue or Location

Reference No : 001681
Last Modified : 2017-11-30 06:36:58 PM
Viewers : 1131
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