Edexcel/Cambridge IGCSE/IAL Economics & Accounting

Ms. Piyumi Ranasinghe
B.Sc.Banking and Finance (University of London)
Experience : 6+ years
Occupation : Accounting/ Finance

Graduate from the University of London in Banking and Finance. 6+ years of teaching experience for students taking Edexcel / Cambridge Exams. Individual / small group classes conducted in Koswatta, Battaramulla.

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Ordinary Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) Advanced Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class 
Venue or Location

Reference No : 006132
Last Modified : 2021-12-29 02:49:28 PM
Viewers : 828
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