A/L Biology ( Online/ Home visiting/ Individual/ Group classes )

Mr. Sasanka Balasooriya
B.Sc.sp University of Ruhuna
Experience : 4 years
Occupation : Full Time Tutor

G.C.E. Advanced Level A/L Biology Theory/Revision online classes or home visiting near Colombo/Matara. As the class is conducted for lesson by lesson, you can attend for a lesson/ lessons which you may find difficult or missed. *First day of the class is free. Join with me and experience the real difference in learning!

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium 


Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class Online Classes via Internet 
Venue or Location
Rajagiriya Kamburupitiya Ahangama Akarawita 

Reference No : 006630
Last Modified : 2022-07-14 10:46:12 PM
Viewers : 598
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