Ms. Piumi Perera
TEFL , TKT Cambridge , TESOL-UK, PERSON ASSURED BUSINESS MANAGEMENT,former international banker
Experience : English/ IE
Occupation : Full Time Tutor

Reach your IELTS target at your first attempt under the guidance of a professional who is well experienced in teaching lawyers/ doctors/ engineers etc.Most importantly she has produced amazing results and has more than 10 years' experience of teaching. She is a decent professional with heavy foreign exposure. ( TESOL-UK/ TKT-Cambridge/ TEFL/trained English teacher/ former international banker) * Individual coaching sessions * Weak students will be developed * Daily Tests & evaluation * Mock Tests & evaluation * Effective tips & techniques * Effective target questions * Proven results * Effective & the latest teaching methods * Real exam guidance & practice contact us to get our link to checkout our amazing performances

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Language Exams Other Exams 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class 
Venue or Location

Reference No : 003062
Last Modified : 2019-11-02 08:42:19 PM
Viewers : 4994
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