Advanced Level Business Statistics 2023/2024

Mr. Supun Senanayake
Business Statistics honour degree in University of Jayewardenepura
Experience : 10 years
Occupation : Research And Development

The excellent guiding for best knowladge in statistics. Don't hesitate anymore. join us and enjoy with statistics. 'Crystal knowledge of statistics is the prime of creating a sharp decision maker' Supun Senanayake

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium 


Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class Hall Class Online Classes via Internet 
Venue or Location
Nugegoda Pannipitiya Moratuwa All Island  

Reference No : 003783
Last Modified : 2020-01-05 04:46:42 AM
Viewers : 2706
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