2022-2023 A/L Chemistry home visit/online class

Dr. Ravindra Alles
PhD in chemistry
Experience : 4-5 years
Occupation : University/ College Teacher

2022-2023 A/L Chemistry home visit/online class Home visit, around Athurugriya. English medium Theory on each unit will be provided as printed documents. Soft copies are provided for online class. After each unit, 10 year questions on the unit and explain answers will be discussed and printed documents/soft copies are provided. Tutor got a PhD in chemistry (University of Otago, New Zealand) W.R.N. Alles (PhD in organic synthesis, MSc in nanotechnology),

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class 
Venue or Location
Biyagama Athurugiriya Kurunegala Battaramulla Homagama Kaduwela 

Reference No : 004130
Last Modified : 2021-05-13 03:49:28 AM
Viewers : 1091
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