Advance Level / Ordinary Level Geography

Mr. Gamini Senavirathne
M.Sc., BA(SP) Geography
Experience : 10 Years
Occupation : Consulting

Leading Personal Geography tutor in Kandy conducting Individual Home visit and online Class (both English and Sinahala) for who need personal Tutor for there studies. Also conducting Group Class (max 5 students) online and home visit (Group of friends). More than ten year experience as personal tutor in students in leading colleges and International schools in Kandy and Colombo. Mastered (M.Sc.) in University of Peradiniya as well as Graduated in Department of Geography (Specials) , University of Peradeniya

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium English Medium 


Ordinary Level (Local) Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Online Classes via Internet 
Venue or Location
Kandy Kiribathkumbura Peradeniya Gampola Pilimatalawa Gelioya Aladeniya 
Asgiriya Dodanwala Yatinuwara Watapuluwa 

Reference No : 007874
Last Modified : 2024-04-05 06:59:26 PM
Viewers : 231
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