MATHS | Grade 4 to 11

B.Tec in Mechatronics Technology
Experience : 5 years
Occupation : Engineering
The class is conducted by an Engineering Graduate - B.Tec in Mechatronics Technology, University of Vocational Technology, Home visit | Individual | Online | Group Sinhala medium - English medium Well experienced, Lessons will be clearly taught, special attention given for students who have low marks for their term tests and will be guided and motivated for best results. Modern learning and teaching methods (PowerPoint presentations) and printed tutorials. Topic wise assessments, Past Papers and Model paper discussions.
Sinhala Medium English Medium
Grade 1 to 5 (Local) Grade 1 to 5 (International) Grade 6 to 9 (Local)
Ordinary Level (Local) Ordinary Level (Edexcel & Cambridge)
Pannipitiya Godagama Koswatta Padukka Weliwita Biyagama