Advanced Level 2025 ( Business Studies - English Medium)

Mr. Gayan Rathnayake
MBA (UK), B.B.Mgt(Mkt)Sp(Hons), PG.Dip.M(SL), Acc & BS (CMA), CABM(CMA), MSLIM
Experience : More than 8 years experience as a Lecturer / Teacher in Business
Occupation : Executive/ Senior Management

Profile of Your Teacher - A Senior Business Manager in a reputed company - A Certified Accounting and Business Manager from CMA - More than 8 years of experience as a Teacher / Lecturer in Business - More than 14 years of experience in Business and Management - Possesses good theoritical knowledge and practical experience in Business, Business Management, Operations Management, Marketing, Finance Management, HR Management and Business Planning - A Gold Awards winner from SLIM in 2017 and 2018 for excellent business performance. - A member of SLIM

Subjects or Courses
Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Online Classes via Internet 
Venue or Location
All Cities - Colombo Gampaha 

Reference No : 007464
Last Modified : 2023-07-24 01:20:41 PM
Viewers : 1777
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