A/ L and O/L English literature and English Language from a university lecturer in Peradeniya University.

Mr. Akila Jayasinghe
BA (English )
Experience : 5 years experience as a teacher
Occupation : University/ College Teacher

I'm an English Language and Literature Lecturer in a Local University.Former government teacher in English Literature. Completed the BA in English at SUSL. Currently reading for the MA in TESL at Lincoln University Malaysia. I have the experience in teaching English and Literature for more than 5 years in Kurunegala and Kandy.

Classes are conducted in following languages

English Medium 


Grade 1 to 5 (Local) Grade 6 to 9 (Local) Ordinary Level (Local) 
Languages Miscellaneous Professional 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class Hall Class 
Venue or Location
Peradeniya Mawathagama Kurunegala 

Reference No : 007680
Last Modified : 2023-12-01 06:25:55 PM
Viewers : 315
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