A/L Chemistry , Physics, IT (Individual, Group)

Mr. Heshan Sandeepa
Bsc Engineering(Computer Engineering)
Experience : more than 5
Occupation : University/ College Student

I am a Computer Engineering student at Faculty of Engineering University of Peradeniya and I have more than 5 years of experience regards to teaching.

Classes are conducted in following languages

Sinhala Medium 


Ordinary Level (Local) Advanced Level (Local) 

Offered Classes
Private (Individual) Class Group Class Online Classes via Internet 
Venue or Location
Kandy Dangolla Alawatugoda Ambatenna Ampitiya Doluwa Gampola 
Gelioya Hindagala 

Reference No : 003218
Last Modified : 2019-07-04 03:18:40 AM
Viewers : 1073
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