English medium science classes
biology and chemistry with 2 years of experience in teaching at UK institute for international students globally and 3 years experience in teaching for srilankan local curriculum. I'm greatly passionate in teaching students in a way where students understand and enjoy the lesson. I mainly focus on the students who have the potential to study where I can improve their grading very soon by giving more training and practice. Tutorials, work books and worksheets are provided I'm currently reading my final year in biomedical sciences with a 1st class in my higher diploma in biomedical sciences. Successfully completed the Bsc. Hons biomedical sciences ( cardiff metropolitan University, UK)
English Medium
Grade 1 to 5 (Local) Grade 1 to 5 (International) Grade 6 to 9 (Local)
Ordinary Level (Local) Ordinary Level (Edexcel & Cambridge) e-Learning and Distance Learning