A/L Economics, A/L Business Studies , A/L Accounting, O/L Commerce, All degree or professional subjects related commerce and management field.

Mr. sujith madhushanka
Accountancy & finance special degree, RUSL CBA Ca Sri Lanka, Working at University Grants Commission

All Cities - Colombo, All Cities - Gampaha, All Island ,
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Business management , marketing & English

Ms. Sumaiya Udayar
Masters in business administration (MBA)

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Grade 6,7,8,9,10,O/L, A/L

Mr. Pubudu Rathnasiri
B.Sc (Mgt), Adv.Dip MA (UK), LL.B (Reading)

Battaramulla, Malabe, Athurugiriya, Koswatta, Trincomalee, ...
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